Legal notice

13 May 2016

Pedersen does not record any personal identifying information, with the exception of forms that the user is free to fill out. This information will not be used without your consent, we will only use it to send you letters, brochures, quotes or to contact you.
The information collected on the sites benefit from the protection of the law “computing and liberties” n ° 78-17 of January 06, 1978. They profit from a right of access, rectification, opposition to communication and deletion on simple request to Pedersen, 12 rue d’Arsonval 69680 CHASSIEU.
Pedersen may carry out statistical analyzes without their being registered and may inform third parties (website traffic agencies) in summary form and not registered.

Use of cookies

Order management requires the use of cookies. Non-personal information is recorded by this cookie system (text files used to recognize a user and thus facilitate their use of the site). These have no meaning outside of their use on the site

Hypertext links

Pedersen does not control sites linked to its own, and therefore cannot be responsible for their content. The risks associated with the use of these sites lie entirely with the user. He will comply with their conditions of use.


12 rue d’Arsonval, 69680 CHASSIEU

Web hosting

2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix

Publication director

Fred ANGLADE – +33 (0)611.919 582

Web Studio

Website designed by Kubiweb  and developed by PEDERSEN

Natural indexing

D2b Consulting – 3 rue Gattefossé – 69800 St Priest

Photographic Credits

Photographs used under license of and Photographs by Fred ANGLADE